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Many woman have spoken to me of how much they enjoyed the book Calling Men: The Complete Guide to Calling and Texting the Men You Date.
This book is full of practical suggestions and surprising insights into how men think.
The real-life examples of actual situations are invaluable to anyone who asks the question, "Should I call him?"
Most women don't know what Mimi knows, but YOU will after reading this wonderful book.
You've done it again, Mimi!
Bob Grant, L.P.C.
Author of The Woman Men Adore and Never Want to Leave
Mimi Tanner is simply one of the best when it comes to writing to women on the art of finding and keeping a great man. She has become well-known on a global scale in a relatively short time. Why? Because she covers highly in-demand subjects with a flair and disarming friendliness that is unequalled.
Her book "Calling Men" is truly a magnum opus when it comes to dealing with one of the most frustrating problems women face in the dating world: How to handle calling and text messaging men.
You know the feeling as I do, I'm sure. You want to give him every opportunity to call you first, but you also want 100% control over your dating life. What to do? Mimi lays it all out for you in logical steps that are a blast to read.
Take this rare opportunity to get a glimpse of Mimi's top-notch book (which is literally packed with info).
Relationship Coaches Scot and Emily McKay
Hosts of "X and Y on the Fly" Podcasts